As Leadership goes, so goes the group, the organization, the nation, and everything else in between.
Yet in spite of this multi-millennial axiom, and the simple fact that we are the best leadership-educated society in the history of business, our encounters with genuine leaders remain extremely rare.
Real Leadership! Are You Ready? examines this perplexing phenomenon and qualifies the principle cause as an unwillingness and/or inability to take new leadership information and use it to improve our performance.
It also provides the solution: a Leadership Enrichment LIFE-cycle (LEL-c) to help individuals and organizations build and sustain durable Leadership Platforms.
Never miss an issue of Linked 2 Leadership, subscribe today here!
Learn, Grow & Develop Other Leaders™
Richard S. Dillard is Founder/ Managing Partner at Dillard Partners, LLC
Pursuing Success at the Speed of Leadership!
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